To summarize, MaxPageSize controls the number of objects that are returned in a single search result. This is to group the returned results in groups that are no larger than the MaxPageSize value. To perform a search where the result might exceed this number of objects, the client must specify the paged search control. MaxPageSize - This value controls the maximum number of objects that are returned in a single search result, independent of how large each returned object is. When this limit is reached the server returns a "busy" error to any new notification searches that are performed on that connection. MaxNotificationPerConnection - The Maximum number of outstanding notification requests that are permitted on a single connection. Requests that are larger than the value for MaxDatagramRecv are ignored. MaxDatagramRecv - The maximum size of a datagram request that a domain controller will process. If a connection is idle for more than this time, the LDAP server returns an LDAP disconnect notification. MaxConnIdleTime - The maximum time in seconds that the client can be idle before the LDAP server closes the connection. If a connection comes in after the domain controller reaches this limit, the domain controller drops another connection. MaxConnections - The maximum number of simultaneous LDAP connections that a domain controller will accept.
Additionally, MaxActiveQueries does not appear in the Windows Server 2003 version of NTDSUTIL. Starting with Windows Server 2003, MaxActiveQueries is no longer enforced. MaxPoolThreads is a per-processor control, while MaxActiveQueries defines an absolute number. Note This control has an incorrect interaction with the MaxPoolThreads value. When this limit is reached, the LDAP server returns a "busy" error. MaxActiveQueries - The maximum number of concurrent LDAP search operations that are permitted to run at the same time on a domain controller. If the client does not send the first request in this amount of time, the server disconnects the client. InitRecvTimeout - This value defines the maximum time in seconds that a domain controller waits for the client to send the first request after the domain controller receives a new connection. For example: cn=Query-Policies,cn=Directory Service,cn=Windows NT,cn=Services configuration naming context. Query Policy objects can be created in the Query Policies container, which is a child of the Directory Service container in the configuration naming context. LDAP policies are implemented by using objects of the queryPolicy class. These limits prevent specific operations from adversely affecting the performance of the server, and also make the server more resilient to some types of attacks.

To make sure that domain controllers can support service-level guarantees, you must specify operational limits for a number of LDAP operations.
This step-by-step article describes how to manage Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) policies by using the Ntdsutil.exe tool. Instructions for configuring per domain controller or per site policy Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 LDAP administration limits Windows Server Datacenter, version 1809 More.